How to Begin

I don't have a valid credential or permit...
Complete the online application through EdJoin
Contact us to apply for a 30-Day Substitute Permit***
Complete the Mandated Reporter online course (Child Abuse Reporting Requirements)
Complete the STEDI online course
Complete Colusa County Substitute Consortium Live Scan Fingerprinting - Contact us to set up an appointment
Provide TB verification or the TB Risk Assessment Form (within 60 days prior to attending the substitute orientation)
Attend a Colusa County Substitute Consortium Orientation (by invitation only)
***Do NOT mail your application for the 30-Day Substitute Permit to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Please contact us for assistance with an online recommendation.
I have a valid credential or permit...
Complete the online application through EdJoin
Complete the Mandated Reporter online course (Child Abuse Reporting Requirements)
Complete the STEDI online course
Complete Colusa County Substitute Consortium Live Scan Fingerprinting - Contact us to set up an appointment
Provide TB verification or the TB Risk Assessment Form (within 60 days prior to attending the substitute orientation)
Attend a Colusa County Substitute Consortium Orientation (by invitation only)
I have a credential from another
state or country...
Complete the online application through EdJoin
Contact us to apply for a California Credential or Permit
Complete the Mandated Reporter online course (Child Abuse Reporting Requirements)
Complete the STEDI online course
Complete Colusa County Substitute Consortium Live Scan Fingerprinting - Contact us to set up an appointment
Provide TB verification or the TB Risk Assessment Form (within 60 days prior to attending the substitute orientation)
Attend a Colusa County Substitute Consortium Orientation (by invitation only)